2024 June Month in Review

The hay in the area was ruined due to late rains.

The sheep are showing hoof scald and hoof rot at times. Treating with copper sulfate is effective.

Dallisgrass is growing strong in late June, and the cows like the seed heads.


Saturday 6/1

Sunday 6/2

Monday 6/3

1/2″ of rain last night.

Tuesday 6/4

Lots of rain.

Wednesday 6/5

Thursday 6/6

A lamb died due to bloat.

Friday 6/7

Saturday 6/8

Sunday 6/9

Monday 6/10

Clovers in June?

Tuesday 6/11

Wednesday 6/12

Thursday 6/13

Friday 6/14

I had all the bull calves castrated except #27, who I gave to my neighbor to replace the bull that died.

Saturday 6/15

Sunday 6/16

Monday 6/17

I brought the rams back from my home to be with the cows.

Tuesday 6/18

Wednesday 6/19

Thursday 6/20

It’s been two weeks since rain. Are we in a drought?

Friday 6/21

Saturday 6/22

Sunday 6/23

Monday 6/24

Tuesday 6/25

My neighbor said he wants to shred the back 20. I’m going to move the cows there to eat the grass before he does.

Wednesday 6/26

3/4″ of rain. Does this mean the drought is over, or is this too little?

Thursday 6/27

Friday 6/28

I received 52 white katahdin-dorper crossbreeds.

Saturday 6/29

Sunday 6/30