Monday 7/1
I moved the sheep and bulls to a new row, 1330′ from the north, 150′ wide.
Tuesday 7/2
I put the ram on the sheep. The other ram stayed behind. I moved Rammy in too, but he is probably too young to breed effectively.
A note about droughts: All droughts are local, and the best thing to do is not to overgraze. Watch and plan your grass and consumption, and the minute it looks like you might run out of grass, sell your animals.
In my case, I plan on raising steer because they are more easily sold than cow-calf pairs. I intend on expanding my sheep numbers so I won’t sell them except as a last resort.
Wednesday 7/3
Based on the amount of grass they grazed and the amount of grass available, I decided to go back to 100′ wide rows instead of 150′.
Also I turned my new South Poll bull on to the cows.
Thursday 7/4
The grass in this new row for the sheep is amazing. After we moved them out, there was still plenty left over. I could’ve run at least twice as many sheep with no problems.
Friday 7/5
Saturday 7/6
I’ve decided to breed the sheep every 8 months. The doelings will be read to breed for the next cycle after they are born, when they are about 11 months old.
Sunday 7/7
I tried grazing from East to West, starting far away from the water.