How can we get the next generation into farming?

Unfortunately the paradigm is only those with assets can get into farming. Property is way more expensive than it should be.

We aren’t providing enough opportunities for young people to make a living on the land, and I think it is because we are looking for employees rather than partners. Gabe Brown did something that I think is revolutionary: He maintained ownership of his own land but leased it all out to his son when his son became an adult. That means the son was in full control of the farming operation once he was old enough to do such a thing.

I think this is the new paradigm we should be working with. Older people (40+) invite young people to work their land, and let them make their own decisions and don’t get in their way.

In my case, there is plenty of room for someone to run separate businesses on my land. I would love to lease land out to them to have them do it, or just come to an agreement on how to share the land. For instance, I can set aside a small area to allow someone to run as many bee colonies as they want. Or, if someone wants to do pastured chickens, I would likely even pay them for the manure that the chickens create!

Going into debt as your first act as a farmer, or running your farm with debt is a losing prospective. We need to provide ways for younger people to get into agriculture without going into debt, and giving them an opportunity to accumulate assets so that when THEY have kids, they have something to give them!