2024 11/25-12/1 Week in Review

Two important points this week: Is regenerative agriculture humane? I certainly think it is the most humane way to treat animals and the environment. Also, the strength of the soil determines the strength of the nation.

The grass is getting thinner but we don’t need hay yet. It looks like autumn lasted well into December.

Monday 11/25

Tuesday 11/26

Wednesday 11/27

This is when I vocalize my idea of introducing 3 ewes to the rams each day to optimize breeding.

Thursday 11/28

Thanksgiving day

Friday 11/29

“The strength of a nation can be found in its soil.” Wise words from Greg Judy.

Saturday 11/30

My idea on how to separate 4 ewes at a time during breeding season. I’ll use electric wires. Shouldn’t be too hard…

Sunday 12/1