2024 12/9-12/15 Week in Review

Monday 12/9

The little lamb didn’t survive. From now on, if I am not absolutely convinced that the lamb has connected with the mama, I’m going to bottle feed him.

Tuesday 12/10

The weather is getting a lot cooler.

Wednesday 12/11

Granny didn’t make it. The lambs are crossing the wire.

Thursday 12/12

I unrolled my first bale of hay using the Greg Judy bale unroller. It was not seamless but I got it done. I learned a lot just by trying it out.

The sheep not only got out into the back 20, but they knocked the gate off its hinges. While I was bringing them back, one of the ewes decided to give birth.

Friday 12/13

Saturday 12/14

I started unrolling hay for the cows. From here on out, there isn’t much grass to speak of, dead or otherwise.

Sunday 12/15