2025 2/3-2/9 Week in Review

With the warm weather and the grass growing, it seems like spring is starting very early. Some people have reported seeing buds, but I don’t see any yet. It got up over 80 degrees on Friday, but then we got smashed with cold weather again.

EWE 0015 passed. Now TX34045-0020 is sick, bone thin and pooping big chunks of poo.

I moved the puppies into a pen with the dogs and rams now that I have the dog feeder built. They can’t hang out around my shop. They have to learn to stay with the sheep.

I moved Bento out to be with Hindungi full time. They are in the row just south of the sheep. It seems to be working, as he is staying out there and the sheep are staying in their row.

Monday 2/3

Tuesday 2/4

Wednesday 2/5

Thursday 2/6

Friday 2/7

Saturday 2/8

Sunday 2/9
