2024 April Month in Review

I sold two bulls. I bought a south poll bull.

The grass really started growing around 4/5. Near the end of April, I started to see bermudagrass!

Some of the cows start limping in the latter half of the month. I assume it is due to too much protein in their diet.

Monday 4/1

Tuesday 4/2

Wednesday 4/3

Thursday 4/4

I moved the sheep to the pen and started processing them. It’s a lot of work to wrestle all of them.

Friday 4/5

The grass is really growing now!

Saturday 4/6

I sold two of the bulls: #16 and #18. #16 was born on June 30th, 2022 to Blue. #18 was born on August 12th, 2022 to Dusty. I tried to sell a third bull but he refused to get in the trailer.

Sunday 4/7

I had to separate some dogs from the sheep.

Monday 4/8

Eclipse day!

Tuesday 4/9

We got a storm.

Wednesday 4/10

Just over an inch of rain.

Thursday 4/11

Friday 4/12

Something, maybe one of my dogs, attacked one of my sheep.

Saturday 4/13

Sunday 4/14

The patties are starting to thicken up. Next year I shouldn’t turn the cows onto grass until about mid-April when it is mature enough that it doesn’t overload them with protein.

Monday 4/15

Tuesday 4/16

Wednesday 4/17

Thursday 4/18

24 and 36 start limping. It is probably due to excess protein.

Friday 4/19

Twin lambs!

Saturday 4/20

More rain.

Sunday 4/21

Monday 4/22

My neighbor’s bull died, probably from pneumonia.

Tuesday 4/23

First spring pass is finished.

Wednesday 4/24

Thursday 4/25

I put the sheep in the pen to separate out the ram lambs. I need to work on them.

Friday 4/26

I’m thinking of buying a bunch of healthy sheep.

Saturday 4/27

The chickens are keeping the flies in check.

Sunday 4/28

Monday 4/29

The goal is to get the cows to eat 80% of the grass 1/3 of the way down.

There are signs that the bermudagrass is already growing!

Tuesday 4/30