We had a thunderstorm blow through in the morning that gave us around 1/2″ of rain. The cows are jumping and dancing and pushing each other. The grass here looks pretty much like it looks 850′ down, 2 rows from here. The goal is to keep the cows from grazing it down to the ground… Continue reading Wednesday Morning April 5th, 2023
Author: Jonathan
Tuesday Evening, April 4th, 2023
Rotation: 2023-03-30 Row 2 Cell 4 The cows and sheep were laying down chewing their cud. The cows and bulls like to crowd together at the wire. I though I saw a young calf cross the wire but she is back. There’s a bunch of blue flowers that suddenly appeared. The dog tackles me while… Continue reading Tuesday Evening, April 4th, 2023
Tuesday Morning, April 4th, 2023
The bulls are still separated from the cows. I wanted to move them but it was too much work to do by myself, maybe impossible. The grass is looking really good. The cows left a lot of tall grass behind, just nibbling at some of the tips and leaving the rest behind. There is something… Continue reading Tuesday Morning, April 4th, 2023
Monday Evening, April 3rd, 2023
Today was hot but we got the move done. Rotation: 2023-03-03 Row 2 Cell 2
Monday Morning, April 3rd, 2023
We had a storm last night that brought 1.5 inches of rain and knocked down a tree. I moved the cows to the next row. The cows and bull calves are next to each other. It might be a problem. I don’t know. Rotation: 2023-03-30 Row 1 Cell 1
Sunday Morning, April 2nd, 2023
I gave the cows the rest of the row. That was a good move, since there was a big storm in the evening that prevented me from getting out to the cows. Rotation: 2023-03-03 Row 1 Cell 6-7
Saturday Evening, April 1st, 2023
Rotation: Rotation 2023-03-30 Row: 1 Cell: 5 I should be getting lambs any day now!
Saturday Morning, April 1st, 2023
I show off the shop in this video. Rotation: 2023-03-30 Row: 1 Cell: 4
Friday Evening March 31st, 2023
I did some research on Bovine Dentition. This is the 4th cell of the 1st row of the 2023-03-30 rotation. I cover bovine dentition. Here is a PDF from the USDA: https://www.fsis.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media_file/2021-05/Using_Dentition-to-Age-Cattle.pdf The key facts are: If you want to check the age of your cow, you can look at the incisor teeth.
Friday Morning March 31st, 2023
It’s Friday morning March 31st, 2023 and this is the second cell of the first row in the 2023-03-30 rotation. We still have runny manure, but we have more grass than the cows can eat. The cattle condition is good too. It’s about 73 F and there is a storm blowing in. I recorded this… Continue reading Friday Morning March 31st, 2023