Rams and Lambs

We moved the rams and the bottle lambs into our backyard. The rams will stay until November, when they will breed. The lambs until they are weaned. I have about half an acre in my backyard, which should be able to feed, easily, 4 sheep. I haven’t setup a rotational system yet, but I plan… Continue reading Rams and Lambs

Categorized as Sheep

If you get the Avian Flu from cows, you are going to drown from snot

https://web.archive.org/web/20240506034403/https://davidseaman.substack.com/p/bird-flu-has-infected-humans-in-texas In short, this guy got some allergies and thinks we need to shut down the entire country because his eyes turned red. It’s all nonsense. It’s COVID 2024 — because Trump might win an election.

May 1st

Here’s May 1st, 2023: At the time I was doing a 21-day rotation (3 weeks) so the cows were getting a lot of ground and not eating much grass at all. I had only 5 sheep at this time, two ewes, a ram, and a ram and ewe lamb. All of them are purebred St.… Continue reading May 1st

What to do about goatweed

Goatweed, as it is commonly known in my area, is also known as hogwort, dovewood or woolly croton. It’s scientific name is Croton capitatus. You can find lots of resources about where it lives and how it thrives. In short, goatweed starts growing in June, and will cover your field in July, August and September.… Continue reading What to do about goatweed