On February 28th, 2024, the same day that #38 died, Red gave birth to a beautiful bull. #43 is a brown bull with white markings. It makes an interesting pattern on his face.
Category: Cattle
#42 is born to #21
#21 has been the fattest cow throughout 2023. She gave me a calf in 2022, but the calf died shortly after he was born. I blame the field fire and everything associated with it. #21 gave birth to a beautiful bull calf on February 24th, 2024. He is black with some white markings on his… Continue reading #42 is born to #21
A young calf passed away
I found #38 lying on his side on Thursday afternoon. He was stretched out, arched back, and obviously in a lot of pain. I called the vet and was able to sneak in a quick visit before they had to close. The calf was already hypothermic. There wasn’t any obvious signs of disease or injury,… Continue reading A young calf passed away
Keeping two herds
I had a commentator on one of my YouTube videos get confused over how I am doing things. I admit it is confusing, and even my kids who come to the field from time to time get confused. Let me try to describe the situation in detail. My field is a rectangle, about 1,000′ wide… Continue reading Keeping two herds
3 Calves in One Day
#20 is my friendliest cow. She’ll let me pet her sometimes. Anyway, she gave birth to #39, a beautiful brown baldy bull on February 19th. When I came back in the afternoon, I found 2 more new calves! #40 was born to Brownie. He is a light brown bull. #41 was born to an untagged… Continue reading 3 Calves in One Day
#35 and #36 were born on the same day — Valentine’s Day
Ninja #6 (she is very shy and sometimes I forget I have her because she always hangs in the back away from me) gave birth to #35, a black heifer with some white markings. #413 was a calf when I bought her in the summer of 2021. She was born probably in March of that… Continue reading #35 and #36 were born on the same day — Valentine’s Day
#38 is born
Dusty gave birth to a beautiful bull #38 on February 18th, 2024 . He is white with brown markings on his legs, back, neck and head, with white markings on the head as well.
#37 is born
#37 is a brown baldy bull born to a new dam. He was born February 16th, 2024. He is 1/4 longhorn (through Blue), 1/4 angus (unknown sire), and 1/2 beefmaster (neighbor’s bull).
#32 is a black bull calf
He was born on January 7th, sometime in the early morning. Because of the excitement around #31, though, he was mostly forgotten, but he seems to be doing just fine.
#31 was born and fell in the pond
#31 was born February 6th, 2024 while I took #10 to get her placenta cleaned out at the vet. His dam is #14 who was born in May of 2022. He is a beautiful light tan color, just like his dam. Unfortunately I found him in the pond that afternoon. Thankfully he was still alive.… Continue reading #31 was born and fell in the pond