#31 was born February 6th, 2024 while I took #10 to get her placenta cleaned out at the vet. His dam is #14 who was born in May of 2022. He is a beautiful light tan color, just like his dam. Unfortunately I found him in the pond that afternoon. Thankfully he was still alive.… Continue reading #31 was born and fell in the pond
Category: Cattle
#30 is born
#30 was born to an untagged heifer on February 2nd, 2024. She is a black calf with some white markings on her head. This is the first calf from my 2021 calves. So far so good!
#1 and the stuck calf
Apparently, cows can be too small to give birth. #1 was born in September of 2021. At 2 1/2 years old, she should be able to have a calf, so I had her breed with the neighbor’s bull back in April of 2023. The bull isn’t a big bull, and quite small in fact, which… Continue reading #1 and the stuck calf
#10 Retained Placenta
#10 gave birth on January 30th, 2024 to a beautiful bull #27. This was our 3rd calf of 2024. Mother and baby were all healthy. After a few days, I noticed that she hadn’t passed her placenta or afterbirth. This is a fairly rare condition called retained placenta. By day 4, I knew something had… Continue reading #10 Retained Placenta
#29 is Born
#29 is a beautiful pure brown/red heifer calf. The mother is #19, probably the 2nd fattest cow through 2023. The sire is my neighbor’s Beefmaster.
This morning we went out at 6:30 to work on the back fence, clearing the overgrowth. On the way I saw vultures gathered around the pond. That’s the picture of the dead cow. It was probably there for a few days before we found it. On the way back, around 8:30 we saw a calf… Continue reading Mud