I was counting dogs in the ram pen and I noticed one was missing. I think she likes the rams.
Category: Sheep
RAM 0005 has Chlamydial Polyarthritis
I noticed today (2024-09-05) that RAM 0005 was lying down and didn’t seem to want to get up. When I approached he slowly stood up and it was clear that something was wrong with his front left leg. Two of the joints were swollen. Doing a quick internet search and reading some articles it became… Continue reading RAM 0005 has Chlamydial Polyarthritis
Treating #36
#36 is a ewe that presented with severe hoof problems. I was finally able to catch her and apply 5% Copper Sulfate solution and Footcure with a wrap. She also broke her hoof wall which probably caused a lot of pain. It took her a while but she fully recovered after about a week.
I actually caught 2 lambs being born
Rams and Lambs
We moved the rams and the bottle lambs into our backyard. The rams will stay until November, when they will breed. The lambs until they are weaned. I have about half an acre in my backyard, which should be able to feed, easily, 4 sheep. I haven’t setup a rotational system yet, but I plan… Continue reading Rams and Lambs
Doing the math, sheep vs. cows in 2024
Alan Westerfield is asking for people’s math on sheep. He said he made his money raising sheep, and he’s heard some crazy numbers by “blowhards.” I think he is responding to this recent video by Birchfield Farming: But maybe he’s talking about my videos too. Now, if you ask people who do rotational grazing, almost… Continue reading Doing the math, sheep vs. cows in 2024
The history of sheep on my field (part 2)
Previous post With 3 new lambs, I was talking to my neighbor about his sheep and he said he was getting out of the sheep business. A commentator recommended I buy his sheep since he is close to me, and I thought that was a fantastic idea. So I approached my neighbor but he was… Continue reading The history of sheep on my field (part 2)
The history of sheep on my field (part 1)
As I get more sheep, I thought it would be a good idea to go over the history of sheep on my field. 2022 I bought 4 sheep on May 30th, 2022. There were two ewes, an older ewe (EWE 0001) and a yearling (EWE 0002). The older ewe had 2 ram lambs. RAM 0001… Continue reading The history of sheep on my field (part 1)
Penning up the sheep
At long last, as of Wednesday April 3rd, 2024, I have the sheep penned up along with the bulls. I had been planning this for well over a month now. It is going to be a pattern from now on, that once a rotation finishes, or I move the animals to the north of the… Continue reading Penning up the sheep
The Lamb with the Broken Leg
On Friday February 23rd, 2024 I discovered that the older ewe that I had bought in 2022 had given birth to two lambs, both of which survived. I didn’t bother the lambs but I did see them both get up and feed on their mama, so I figured they were ok. When I came back… Continue reading The Lamb with the Broken Leg