A diagram of grazing practices

https://usaregenalliance.org/regenerative-grazing They have a picture at the bottom of the page that shows what happens to the roots when you graze the grass. From this, we learn this principle: My principles (as of November of 2023) are the following:

Friday Evening March 31st, 2023

I did some research on Bovine Dentition. This is the 4th cell of the 1st row of the 2023-03-30 rotation. I cover bovine dentition. Here is a PDF from the USDA: https://www.fsis.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media_file/2021-05/Using_Dentition-to-Age-Cattle.pdf The key facts are: If you want to check the age of your cow, you can look at the incisor teeth.

Drought Removal Likely

In the next month (October 2022) it looks like the drought condition will be removed from Hopkins County. We had a significant rain on our land, 5″, last Monday, about 10 days ago. Since then we’ve had a little rain here and there. Yesterday I recorded 1/4″ which is nice. The forecast is rain pretty… Continue reading Drought Removal Likely

Drought Condition for Hopkins County TX

The U.S. Drought Monitor Conditions have improved. We were in Extreme Drought (D3) but we are not in Moderate Drought (D1). What is “Moderate Drought”? If you look at my land, it means my ponds have water, the soil is damp, but things are not growing yet like they should.