This video explains what carbon dioxide, methane and the climate have to do with cattle and rotational grazing.
Tag: Cattle
#48 is born to Young #20
#40 is born to young #20 on Monday July 29th, 2024. Old #20 is a little too young to breed but it worked out ok. Since this was unexpected, that means I won’t be expecting a calf from young #20 in April. I might have to sell her off when the calf is old enough… Continue reading #48 is born to Young #20
Playing Hide-and-Seek with the Calves
Newborn calves are hidden in the brush by their mamas. This is a way to protect them from predators. Unfortunately, this means that when you move the cows, you may be leaving behind calves. The mamas will go back to try and get them, so make sure they can access the previous area. If you… Continue reading Playing Hide-and-Seek with the Calves
3 New Calves
We had 3 new calves recently. I had hoped to have the calves born in March by keeping the bulls off until June, but my neighbor’s bull jumped the fence in mid April and so here we are. The sires are all my neighbor’s Beefmaster, who was 3 years old at the time. The weather… Continue reading 3 New Calves
Wednesday Evening, April 5th, 2023
68 F with a breeze from the north that is cold and dry. I’m told that yearling ewes typically only have 1 lamb, while older ewes will have 2. The dogs chase a chicken back to the coop but they are too aggressive so I have to stop them. I bring them back to the… Continue reading Wednesday Evening, April 5th, 2023
Tuesday Evening, April 4th, 2023
Rotation: 2023-03-30 Row 2 Cell 4 The cows and sheep were laying down chewing their cud. The cows and bulls like to crowd together at the wire. I though I saw a young calf cross the wire but she is back. There’s a bunch of blue flowers that suddenly appeared. The dog tackles me while… Continue reading Tuesday Evening, April 4th, 2023
Friday Morning March 31st, 2023
It’s Friday morning March 31st, 2023 and this is the second cell of the first row in the 2023-03-30 rotation. We still have runny manure, but we have more grass than the cows can eat. The cattle condition is good too. It’s about 73 F and there is a storm blowing in. I recorded this… Continue reading Friday Morning March 31st, 2023
The last cell before the move
It’s Thursday morning on March 30th, 2023 and I just moved the cows to the last cell of the last row of this rotation. This is the infamous “Boneyard” where I dump the dead animals. I’ve had two cows die on my field, and several calves. This is where the bones end up. The two… Continue reading The last cell before the move
Friday August 26, 2022
There is starting to be more grass in the field, but it’s still not quite what we need. A good rain should help the grass mature nicely. I found a strange yellow flower in the field that I have yet to identify. If you know what it is, let me know. I took the kids… Continue reading Friday August 26, 2022
A Pretty Day
Thursday August 25, 2022 8 AM: The weather was cool in the mid 70s, but very humid. I cleaned out my side-by-side, collecting the bits that were worth saving, throwing away the rest. I sprayed down the back and in the process got sprayed myself. The food that has spilled rots and makes a horrible… Continue reading A Pretty Day